Release 1.16.27


This release is the first where we will really show you the new GUI design, we start with the Projects overview and detail page and also the Tasks overview and detail page!

What is new in this release?

  1. New menu entry for contact persons & contact page[MK-231] & [MK-263] & [MK-734]
    You can now search directly for contact persons with a new menu entry, instead of only through the corresponding relation.
    When you choose the menu option Contacts under Companies in the Relations module, you can filter contact on relation and role.
  2. Secure client secret for API’s [MK-301]
    When you enter the client secret in the API settings, the field is displayed and protected like a password field.
  3. Converting a contact person to an employee [MK-396]
    As an employee with the right permissions I can now convert an existing contact person to an employee.
  4. New GUI Baseline: logo in header to the right [MK-462]
    As part of the new GUI design the Maki logo in the header has been moved to the right (a little)
  5. Give expired projects a color in the overview of projects [MK-481]
    When a project has a due date that is in the past, the project line will turn red in the overview. If the due date is today, then the project line will turn orange
  6. New GUI Baseline: Task overview and Task detail page [MK-520]
    As part of the new GUI design the Task overview page and the Task detail page have been adjusted.
  7. New GUI Baseline: Project overview page and Project detail page [MK-521] & [MK-738]
    As part of the new GUI design the Project overview page and the Project detail page have been adjusted.
  8. New GUI Baseline: red area at the bottom left of the screen very briefly [MK-617]
    When you log in the red area at the bottom left of the screen is gone now
  9. Be able to add more than 3 contact persons to internal ticket [MK-666]
    You can add up to 6 contacts to an internal ticket now
  10. New GUI Baseline: menu according to new design [MK-724]
    As part of the new GUI design the main menu on the left is adjusted to a new layout.
  11. Make MFA button also visible on contact person’s detail page [MK-731]
    As an employee with the right permissions I can now disable MFA for a contact person
  12. Export of companies [MK-776]
    In the relations overview page, I now have a button ‘Export’ so I can export all the company data to Excel.
  13. Send trial account confirmation to [MK-836]
    When a prospect asks for a Maki 30-day trial on the website, a confirmation is sent to a new email adress

Resolved bugs:

  1. Adding a new task based on a template does not work [MK-687]
  2. Not possible to change the name or email adress of a contact person [MK-741] & [MK-840] 
  3. Dutch text in the ticket module still to be translated into English [MK-779]
  4. Error 404 bug after adding a contact person [MK-824]
  5. Undeleted employee cannot be changed [MK-838]
  6. Contacts filter doesn’t work anymore in the Maki App [MK-854]
  7. Attachments disappear after opening in the Maki App [MK-855]
  8. Ticket links cannot be opened in the Maki App [MK-856]