Gain insights in the financials of your organization



For an update on the financial condition of your company, you turn to Maki.

Clear dashboards give you a comprehensive view of all Finance-related issues. From invoices and due payment dates to billable hours and revenue streams, Maki tells you all you need to know for your organization to be a commercial success.

Because users register their tasks and activities, as well as their (billable) hours, you can timely act in the case of projects approaching or exceeding their allocated hours and/or budget. This helps prevent surprises for both your clients as well as your own business.

  • Insights in revenue streams
  • Keep eye on budgets
  • Clever dashboard
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For an update on the financial condition of your company, you turn to Maki.

Clear dashboards give you a comprehensive view of all Finance-related issues. From invoices and due payment dates to billable hours and revenue streams, Maki tells you all you need to know for your organization to be a commercial success.

Because users register their tasks and activities, as well as their (billable) hours, you can timely act in the case of projects approaching or exceeding their allocated hours and/or budget. This helps prevent surprises for both your clients as well as your own business.

  • Insights in revenue streams
  • Keep eye on budgets
  • Clever dashboard
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Module Finance

€ 150 p/month

Including all benefits that come with this module.
Start saving time and achieving more!